Develop your team through
leadership team coaching
Teamwork is at the heart of every successful organisation. Effective teams share knowledge, learn from each other’s experiences and develop new skills. Great teamwork encourages diverse perspectives which fuels creativity and innovation. Good teams also recognise the importance of trust and healthy disagreement in getting things done.
All of this can significantly enhance workplace morale. And the effect of having great teams in any business is increased productivity and better overall performance.
Sadly, not all teams fire on all cylinders from day one. Sometimes, they never seem to get out of first gear. Silos, turf wars, big personalities, and conflict all get in the way. As a consequence, some organisations never achieve their full potential.
How much would your team benefit from…
What is leadership team coaching?
Leadership team coaching is a transformative process. We use it as an effective alternative to traditional leadership development. Because it is built around individuals, their dynamics as a team, and the strategic goals of the business, it is highly focused and effective.
It empowers teams within your business or organisation to reach their fullest potential. It’s about more than just individuals; it’s about harnessing the collective strengths, skills, and talents of your team members to achieve exceptional results. Unlike individual coaching, team coaching focuses on group dynamics, communication, collaboration, and shared goals.
While we mostly work with top teams in clients – boards and senior management teams – we do also work with any team that needs support. We have worked with teams in sales, technical, commercial, and admin functions at all levels.
How does it differ from individual coaching?
Individual executive coaching is essential for personal growth and development. Team coaching takes it a step further by exploring and developing the dynamics that occur when people work together. It enhances the performance of the entire team, fostering a culture of collaboration, accountability, and mutual support.
Most commonly, leadership team coaching projects identifies and overcomes internal challenges related to communication, conflict resolution, and decision-making. This improves teamworking and effectiveness.
It also encourages members to take ownership of their roles within the team, strengthening commitment and alignment to the organisations strategic goals.
However, almost all of our leadership team coaching projects include some individual executive coaching sessions for all team members.
When might you need
leadership team coaching?
We have used team coaching in a variety of organisational settings in commercial, public, and third sector organisations. These are examples of the main focus of our some of our engagements:
Leadership team coaching outcomes
Investing in team coaching in your business can bring a great return. You will see ,much improved team dynamics – the essential qualities of trust, communication, and understanding among team members. Coaching unlocks potential, helps to build strong relationships, and can encourage innovation. Our experience shows that it also increases motivation, accountability and productivity.
A well-coached team is essential for any business wanting to succeed in the long term. Investment in team coaching could be the best decision you ever make!
Resolving office conflict – a case study
When the MD nearly fired the Sales Director.
A large IT consultancy and software house appointed a new Sales Director. It quickly became apparent that there was a clash of styles between the Sales Director and the existing Operations Director. Their frequent conflict, and the tension this created, began to affect staff and other members of the board. It also had a negative impact on customer service and sales teams as they were caught in the middle of the situation.
The Managing Director was inclined to fire the new head of sales. But the Sales Director had a good pedigree, was well-connected in the industry and came with good references.
The MD was persuaded by colleagues to explore other options before taking such action. We were engaged to work with the two individuals, and also with the full board.
What we did
We invited all board members to complete a series of psychometric questionnaires examining work styles, motivation, leadership style, and the “Dark Side” of personality. Using the data from this, and detailed individual feedback interviews, the causes of the clash between the two directors was clear. In addition to having some some fundamental differences in style and approach, they were both concerned about their roles. The Sales Director was under pressure to perform and to find new markets, quickly. At the same time, the Operations Director was concerned about the additional workload and stress that any additional business would bring to his team. He was already under-resourced and stretched.
We designed and held two debriefing sessions with the Sales and Operations Directors together. We were able to demonstrate (and show graphically) how they saw the world differently – that they had conflicting priorities and motivations, both professionally and personally.
A short series of individual coaching sessions helped both to work through solutions to the situation. This was made much easier by having appreciation of each others’ perspective and own priorities.
A further workshop with the whole board enabled all to understand more about their respective differences as well as identifying their core strengths and styles.
This enhanced understanding of colleagues has helped them to focus on common priorities, instead of differences, bringing about a new climate of co-operation which has enabled the company to gain further market share quickly.
How can we help your team?
Discover the power of leadership team coaching. Contact bfpeople or simply fill out the form below.